PARTNERS WANTED: Shuls. Work Minyanim. Yeshivas. Kollels. & More.

Our mission is to connect you with every Minyan’s latest and complete daily schedules. From sunrise to sunset, and beyond.

Which Shuls and Minyanim should partner with us?

How it works

1. You share Minyanim you attend or attended
2. Minyanim partners and updates schedule
3. Everyone views updated daily Minyanim
4. Find more Minyanim online everywhere

You Have Questions

We have answers

What’s a Minyan Partnership?
It’s an agreement between Shuls and Minyanim with us that they will update their latest Minyanim, Shiurim and more for the general public. Partnering with us is a commitment so our users can rely on accuracy and completeness of Minyan schedules before they arrive.
What makes you unique?
We’re the first and only Minyan site focusing on partnerships in a large searchable network. We’re providing the freshest schedules to everyone and we prefer quality over quantity for our Minyan community.
What are the benefits of partnering?
Here’s some benefits, with more to come in the near future. Updated live Minyanim schedules for your Minyan and daily schedule. Times are auto-calculated or fixed saving you time which they say is money. We’re talking full daily schedules, beyond Davening and Shiurim (think Father-Son Learning, Megillah reading, Shofar, Eicha, etc.). This is your online schedule. Made a mistake? Fix it. Done. Share it!
How often do I need to update my Minyan schedule?
Great question! At least once a month – any day, preferably the first few days of the english (gregorian) month. During months with Jewish Holidays we ask for increased frequency of updates in advance of Yomim Tovim, minor Jewish holidays and legal holidays. This is to ensure Minyan schedules are consistent with your live in-person schedule and to remain active on our site; we hope you’ll join our reminder group.
Can someone assist me in managing my schedule?
Absolutely! We made it possible for you to assign someone (ie. an assistant) to assist you with schedule adjustments throughout the year.
Can an office/ store/ work or other Minyan participate?
Of course, so long as there’s a consistently reliable Minyan and a designated Gabbai to manage the schedule at the location. Some ideas come to mind, ie. sports stadiums (Kosher stands), Universities, Nursing Facilities/Assisted Living communities etc. and we’re sure you can tell us some more!
What a great idea! How can I be a Minyan partner?
Easy. Click the button to suggest a Minyan and we’ll be in touch soon. Thank you!
What if I still have a question?
We’d love to hear from you, even if it’s just to say hi! Please send us a message and we’ll be in touch soon.

Suggest Minyans

If you’re a Rabbi or Shul/Minyan admin, you’re in a unique position to partner with us. Together we can provide updated Minyanim to your community and beyond.

If you’re a member, visitor or traveler of a Minyan – you can help us by introducing the Minyan to us. We have some cool ideas for Minyanim coming down the pipeline and are always open to suggestions!

Take The
Minyan Challenge?

Share with us the farthest Minyan you’ve been to. If they partner with us
you might make it on the leaderboard (coming soon)!!

Anyone can suggest a local Minyan.
Only you can connect us with unique Minyanim.

1. What’s the farthest Minyan you’ve been to?
2. Maybe you have a connection there? Friend? Relative?
3. Would they commit to keeping a fresh schedule?
4. Schedules updated just once a month .. and it’s free!
Some guidelines:
ⓘ Minyanim should be active with frequent prayers and events. You don’t need to be a local to suggest Minyanim!
Suggest it!